Our team collaborates with governments, utilities and industry to encourage more efficient use of energy and other resources in the industrial sector. We accomplish this by developing energy and demand management practices, standards, policies, analysis and technologies. We perform our work in the U.S. and throughout the world.
Our Research
We demonstrate to industry that adoption of state-of-the-art energy and water management practices will increase competitiveness and sustainability; that developing standard measurement and verification methods allows market valuation of the resulting energy and water savings; and using the resulting market valuation will establish globally recognized shareholder value of energy and water management best practices.
Recent Publications
Rao, Prakash, Thomas P Hendrickson, Elizabeth Wachs, Shubhankar Upasani, and Alberta Carpenter."Testing a method for developing facility-level greenhouse gas emissions intensities of U.S. traded goods."
Lu, Hongyou, Nan Zhou, Hon LeungCurt Wong, and X Zhang."Evaluating Net-Zero Emission Pathways for China’s Cement Industry."ECEEE 2024 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency
(2024). DOI
Karki, Unique, and Prakash Rao."Techno-economic analysis of the water, energy, and greenhouse gas emissions impacts from the adoption of water efficiency practices in the U.S. manufacturing sector."Resources, Conservation and Recycling
196 (2023) 107054. DOI