Publications: BTUS Demand Response and The Grid
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Aghajanzadeh, Arian, and Peter L. Therkelsen."Agricultural demand response for decarbonizing the electricity grid."Journal of Cleaner Production
220 (2019) 827 - 835. DOI
Aghajanzadeh, Arian, Aimee T. McKane, Craig P. Wray, and Peter L. Therkelsen."2006-2015 Research Summary of Demand Response Potential in California Industry, Agriculture and Water Sectors."
Homan, Gregory K., Arian Aghajanzadeh, and Aimee T. McKane."Opportunities for Automated Demand Response in California's Dairy Processing Industry."
Olsen, Daniel, Nance Matson, Michael D. Sohn, Cody Rose, Junqiao Han Dudley, Sasank Goli, Sila Kiliccote, Marissa Hummon, David Palchak, Paul Denholm, Jennie Jorgenson, and Ookie Ma."Grid Integration of Aggregated Demand Response, Part 1: Load Availability Profiles and Constraints for the Western Interconnection."