Publications: Building Technology and Urban Systems Division
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Lu, Hongyou, Nan Zhou, Hon LeungCurt Wong, and X Zhang."Evaluating Net-Zero Emission Pathways for China’s Cement Industry."ECEEE 2024 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency
(2024). DOI
Karki, Unique, and Prakash Rao."Techno-economic analysis of the water, energy, and greenhouse gas emissions impacts from the adoption of water efficiency practices in the U.S. manufacturing sector."Resources, Conservation and Recycling
196 (2023) 107054. DOI
Das, Sujit, Heidi Fuchs, Ritu Philip, and Prakash Rao."A review of water valuation metrics: Supporting sustainable water use in manufacturing."Water Resources and Industry
29 (2023) 100199. DOI
Fuchs, Heidi, and Prakash Rao."Survey of Available Information on U.S. Manufacturing Wastewater and Energy Requirements for Reuse."
(2021). DOI
Fuchs, Heidi, and Prakash Rao."Characterizing manufacturing wastewater in the United States for the purpose of analyzing energy requirements for reuse."Journal of Industrial Ecology
(2021). DOI