Wastewater Treatment

We develop resources that can assist wastewater facilities in monitoring and improving their energy performance. 

Research Projects

Energy Tips for Wastewater Treatment Plants 

In January of 2022, Berkeley Lab worked with the Advanced Manufacturing Office to create the following tipsheets for Wastewater Treatment Plants. Each tipsheet provides an overview of the principle, suggested actions, examples and additional resources for a particular energy efficiency strategy that can be used in wastewater treatment plants.

Fine Bubble Diffusers

Fine bubble diffusers in aeration tanks break supplied air into small bubbles, improving oxygen transfer efficiency. This process results in reduced energy consumption at wastewater treatment facilities and improves the aeration process.

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Lower Aeration Tanks

Aeration promotes the growth of aerobic microorganisms that digest organic matter in wastewater. Aeration is the most energy-intensive process in activated sludge plants, often accounting for half the energy usage of a wastewater treatment plant. Reducing the energy consumption from the blowers is a key for improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment.

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Optimized Dissolved Oxygen

Optimizing dissolved oxygen is crucial in the aeration process for maintaining the performance of microorganisms digesting organic matter and saving money. Under aerated systems hinder microorganisms ability to digest organic matter, while over aeration wastes money, causes sludge to settle, and reduces the amount of nitrogen removed in wastewater.

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Raise Wet Well

Pumping is an energy intensive process that moves wastewater during the treatment process. This tipsheet explains how wastewater facilities can reduce their energy usage by improving the efficiency of pumps.

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UV Disinfection

Ultraviolet radiation is used as a final disinfectant in the wastewater treatment process. Ultraviolet radiation is a more cost effective treatment process compared to chemical disinfectants. This tipsheet explains the advantages and disadvantages of ultraviolet radiation in the wastewater treatment process.

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Clean UV Lamps

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation offers cost savings and reduced chemical handling, but regular maintenance like lamp sleeve cleaning is essential to ensure optimal UV transmission.

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Control UV Disinfectant

Ultraviolet (UV) light provides disinfection without chemicals. This tipsheet explains how dose pacing can significantly reduce energy consumption and costs in wastewater treatment.

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Head: Building & Industrial Applications Department, Energy/Environmental Policy Research Scientist/Engineer
Energy/Environmental Technology Researcher II
Energy/Environmental Policy Researcher II